Terms of use 

You are purchasing 1 subscription/license and you can only use 1 subscription/license per computer or device.

Do not share your subscription.

Do not attempt to access our bot on multiple devices at the same time, with the same subscription.

Our bot only works if your subscription status is “active”.

If you wish to cancel your subscription, do so only when it is close to expiring. Because if you subscribe and then cancel your subscription for fear of being automatically charged the next month, our bot will not work, because the status will be “cancelled” and not “active”.

Subscriptions are recurring, that is, they are charged every month until canceled. You can cancel your subscription at any time. Find out how by accessing the menu at the top of the site, then “guides” and then “subscriptions”.

If you are running a free trial on our bot and try to create fake accounts to use on more than 1 device, all your free trial subscriptions will be blocked.

In breach of the above terms, you will lose your current license and will not receive your money back.